After my introductory spin I just started thinking that I had not blogged in a while due to enormous time constraints caused by switching jobs. Did I mention that there are pros and cons to working in a startup that everyone knows and must accept. Anyways here in the middle of the day in the post lunch hibernation syndrome I realized that printing a few thoughts would probably make my mind sharper. This I hence dedude is one among the many reasons to write blogs, you dont have to particularly good at anything to blog, a command of the language and correct grammar would definitely make it more readable, but just being able to rant and espouse about various topics is the primary skill. Being opinionated also helps which I have been accused of many a time, so here it goes that was my introduction to my second blog.
Lets start with the most hateful people around, people who think they are it and noone can break my bubble, %$#& them I swear their ability to monopolize any conversation is absolutely horrendous. Getting back to my favorite topics music, sports and bikes. Music has been stagnating lately due to the aforementioned hours that need to be dedicated to my new job, but will a conscious effort to listen to the new bands that I needed to download music of Opeth, Pain of Salvation and a lot of my favorite genre of music, melodic/operatic death metal.
Point 2 is sports with the NFL season now underway and it being the best sport to watch ever on Hi-Def, the need feeds the need, sundays are a blur, if only I was not in the Bay in California, and have to watch the dreadful Raiders and the 49'ers serve up garbage blowouts every week, thank god there is Sunday and Monday night football, which is not regionally based. Last year was a more pleasurable year football wise on the east coast because the Patriots, Giants or Redskins were on TV most of the time along with my team, The Pittsburgh Steelers, did I forget to mention that 2005 will be the greatest sports year for me, Steelers won , Heat won though Shaq was mere shadow of the most dominant force I have ever seen on the court and of course the Evil Empire lost in the first round. Go Tigers, as we speak they have just lost game 1, but its ok, my support is wholly with them, even though I want the A's to win it all. There is an allure about small money teams that win it all, Florida Marlins through every yard sale I always cheer them on in the playoffs. I could go on and on about sports, but I would like to conclude that Jamie Gold is the luckiest SOB alive, sometimes life just ain't fair.
Lastly I come to my bike saga, have been trying to buy one for the last month, even though the end seems near, soon the beacon will shine and there will be light. I have completed the licensing formalities and will soon atop one whenever I choose to pull the plug, even though pulling it is harder than I thought, the newer expensiver one always looks better. My license is in the mail and then I will sign on the dotted, sorry I am ranting again, I apologize but I cant help it, atleast I am consistent in my blogs.
Man strives to improve himself, I say strive to improve the life of people around you, that is the greatest gift you can give humanity.